Press Release

MPs Praise James Hook

20th March 2007

Welsh rugby star James Hook has won praise from MPs of all political parties for his 'outstanding and sublime' performance last Saturday.

Hook's MP, Dr Hywel Francis of Aberavon was responsible for tabling an Early Day Motion which has already attracted support from MPs of all political parties in Wales and some ex-patriot Welsh MPs like Gwyn Prosser of Dover and Brian Jenkins of Tamworth.

Dr Francis said,

'I felt it was important to praise the sportsmanship and quality of play of both the Wales and England teams. It was also important to recognize the support James has received from his schools - Central Junior and Glanafan Comprehensive as well as Neath Port Talbot College and all his clubs - Taibach, Corus, Aberavon Quins, Aberavon and the Opreys. I checked the list with his mother Shân - but if I've left anyone out, I apologise.

James is a credit to his family and the whole local community and of course to Wales. His talent always shows through despite his obvious modesty'.

Dr Francis added,

'As his MP I am sure I speak for the whole of the Aberavon constituency when I wish him and the whole Welsh squad every success in the Rugby World Cup.'

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